
Performance Coaching With Krisztina Benczik

How do you like Potential & Performance words ?

I can see a lot of people run away reading and hearing the words potential and performance.

At the same time, these words are everywhere in our daily life.


You go out to have dinner, you would like to eat some delicious food, so your expectation is the cooker perform well.

Or, at least you expect the teachers to have enough capacity (=potential) to accompany your children to develop their (hidden) potentials.

You like when your car is reliable in any season, you can use your air-conditioning in hot summer or the heating in the wintertime. So, performance is there again. Etc etc.

You have a personalized level of potential which is linked to your background, education, heritage, envy, motivation, experience, energy, mindset, life story…

You cannot use all your capacity in one shot. Capacity changes in time.

You have ambitions & projects in all your life. You learn new things and meet new people so your potential will grow. Sometimes it takes shorter and sometimes it takes longer to exploit and to implement your potential before jumping to another level of performance.

Sometimes it takes less and sometimes it takes more energy to exploit and to implement your potential before jumping to another level of performance.

Would you like to accelerate and stabilize the procedure?

Coaching can be a trampoline for you and for your team: to save time and to maintain your energy.

Do you have any questions or are you looking for more hands-on guidance? => Contact

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