…Alias Patience


Performance Coaching With Krisztina Benczik

What did you expect?

It is time, time, time…

…to be patient or not to be patient?

I was not a patient person, and even today, I can lose my zen part.

With others and with myself also.

What about you? 

Why are we impatient?

Because of our EXPECTATIONS!


Do you remember the Schweppes ads?


  1. In most cases, we fight against of environment. Do you think it will change just for you right now? I think it is more sure if you find other solutions.

Ex: traffic jam at 5 pm.

  1. We hope people will conform to our expectations, but we are all different and with different backgrounds, habits, and capacities to practice It is unnecessary to think that everyone has the same social and emotional intelligent qualities.

Ex: your colleague speaks loudly in the office.

  1. We think we must manage new activity immediately, or even be a master of that! Maybe, you have already got the knowledge, but you need time to practice it. It takes time….Practice compassion with yourself and empathy with others.

Ex: your team is trained for a new software application.

  1. We have non-realist expectations to control all of our thoughts and emotions. On average, we have 6200 thoughts per day, so it is normal to accept to manage them. At the same time, you need to practice staying more focused on one subject.

Ex: you think about your weekend program already Wednesday but you should finish already a presentation before.


What do you think?

  • Do you get clear answers to your questions?
  • Do you have stable confidence in yourself?
  • Can you show your limits with calm in different situations?
  • Do you manage efficiently your time and your tasks?
  • Can you smile even in stressful situations?
  • Do you dare use humor?

Have you answered ‘NO’? => drop a message to me to speak about.

Have you answered only ‘YES’? => Congrats! drop a message to me to celebrate it!




BTW, Patience is the ability to

  • stay peaceful and calm when waiting for a “long” time;
  • remain calm and stay relaxed when dealing with problems or with difficult people;
  • to give attention to something for a long time with interest and engagement. 

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